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Inspiring Ideas about AI, Data, and Design in Learning

In these keynotes, explore how AI is disrupting the ways we design, develop, deliver, and consume training and learning, as well as how visualizing data can help make it more understandable and compelling.

Generative Intelligence: Redefining Learning for the Age of AI

Wednesday, September 18 • 9:45 am – 11:00 am

Mairead Pratschke
Mairéad Pratschke, Professor and Chair in Digital Education, University of Manchester

Generative AI is changing the role of the trainer from being the often “sole source of authority” to one of multiple intelligences in our physical and virtual learning environments. AI is now another presence in the learning community, along with learners and trainers. This has tremendous implications for how, where, and what we teach. Explore the new hybrid model of Human + AI — a social, generative, constructivist, and human-centered model of learning that can empower trainers. Discover how to use the generative AI ecosystem to design learning experiences, develop generative learning activities rooted in pedagogically sound principles, and create a hybrid community of inquiry composed of learners and AI.

Rehumanizing Data for Better Understanding

Thursday, September 19 • 9:45 am – 10:45 am

Mona Chalabi

Mona Chalabi, Data Editor, Guardian US

Data journalist Mona Chalabi is on a mission to, as she puts it, “take the numb out of numbers.” In her illustrations, animations, and articles for The Guardian and publications like Fivethirtyeight and The New York Times, she explores data sets from the timely (affirmative action, voting trends, disability rights) to the offbeat (popular dog names in New York City) to the eye-opening (how many Americans eat pizza for breakfast). She aims to make sure as many people as possible can find and question the data they need to make better-informed decisions. Discover the tools you need to navigate a world filled with data and how to better understand all the numbers from the noise.

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